Thursday, July 7, 2011

Officially in Missouri

So Mitchell is officially in Missouri. He's doing great and adjusting well.
hey everybody!,
Hey family so whats up its been like six days and no letters !!?? jk i totally forgot you guys were going to utah ya lucky ducks. But ya sorry my p day is on mondays but we didnt have time to email yesterday that long the library had something going on so we got to come today wooot woot !! so ya p day is still on monday kk. :) ha sorry about all the trouble with the emailing and the computer stuff but glad i got to come today because every one emailed me to day ha and no one did yesterday like mike did and drake and colten and YOU! ha so no worries it all worked out. thats awesome Tobin is alive and well ha and he sounds like he was an awesome missionary! im lil bumbed i wont get to see him for ever!! but its ok. ha i love ya mom thanks your amazing!!
So WOW sooooooo much has been going on its nuts i feel like i have been here for ever when i write in me journal ha but it really has only been about a week. but her is a little that has been going on since i last wrote. So ya that next morning we all woke up to a CRAZY lightning and thunder storm! like i looking out my window and i was sure i was going to get sucked out in to tornado or die or something ha. but our APs were like nope that just normal storm in oklahoma.. i was like AP says what!!?? ha. but he was right like with in like 30 minutes it was gone and no one died ha, pretty crazy stuff. Any way so we packed up and got in the vans that took us out to drop us all off ha i was in the car for soooo long it felt like because we had like 5 other missionaries to drop off before me because me stop was the last one ha. it was way far like as soon as i got there i got off met my trainer elder blatter, who is way awesome by that way he is really quite and a lil awkward when we first met but i farted a few times and he eventually opened up and he is freaking funny. any way so ya once i got droped off we had to drive another like hour to our house. hahaha oh man the first thoughts in my head as we pulled up to our home was HOLY CRAP hahah. ok so think of the getto-est place and times it by 10 and thats what moutain grove is haha at the time it was not funny but not it is as i think back to it. but ya where we live is not too bad compared to the rest of the houses around us our house is like middle class of mountain grove haha any who so funny i love it. i have not took many pictures because of time but i defiantly will take a butt load for yall. but ya soorry i still have lots to tell but i have to go sorry :( ill finish in my letter to ya or i will email ya the rest on monday !!! but all is good i did good shopping for food you would be proud haha but love you all so much and will write ya soon!!!!!!!!! oh and ya got all me meds love ya!!!!
-elder houston

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