Monday, January 23, 2012

Prayers....ARE AWESOME!!!

Elder Houston's email:
December 12, 2011

Hey family!!!!!!!!!!,
so hows it going ?? all is really well here. i actually had a hard week this last week, but Lord brings us down to lift us higher!! and He did just that!! so this week we had no progressing investigators, ask tori what that means, it stinks haha. we dont know why but we just cant get in to see courtnie or any one and its been hard but we are keeping our spirits high. even though it was a hard week my loving Father in Heaven found a way to make it still the best week ever!!!!!!

Ok so remember how i lost my scriptures when i first got out well... they found them! haha i got a call saying they were right were i thought they were. dont know why they didnt get seen ha.

just goes to show that God will ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS will answer our prayers. if you dont recieve an answer just wait you WILL. sometimes we do get answers we dont want, but still its an answer. that is when trust comes in. It has probably been one of the hardest things i have had to learn ever, but it helps with everything in this life. we MUST trust in our Father and His Son like in that scripture i gave ya, in proverbs trust in him in ALL thing and in ALL places and in ALL times. He has been through this life, he has already endured all things He knows best and He wants whats best. As we do all that we can to change what we can change and keep His commandments, that He has only given to us to protect and help us, He will help us with the rest. and we recive nothing until the trial of our faith. and if we just have faith that our Father loves us enough to help us he will. i read a talk by some one who i can not remember who it was haha, but it talked about how being submisive to our Lord, submitting our will, our choice to Him, we are truly giving back to the Lord. everything that we have has all been give to us from Him, except our will and as we place it upon the altar for our Lord we really will see the blessings of Heaven. its such an amazing quote i didnt really do it any justice. ha i probably said it way wierd so maybe i'll send it. but hopeful it made sense. but what a week. i testify and promise as we just do all we can do in this life and have faith that our loving Heavenly Father, who so deeply does love us, He will help us as we ask in prayer in the name of our Lord and Savior. well got to go.
oh i got the package and the letter haha thanks soooo much loved the tree ha. by the way when the packages get here they keep them in the office at our apartments. we have to go pick them up. so they should be safe. a little change in christmas list ha since i got my scriptures now haha so scratch the tab things and stuff but if you could add a few things :) haha if you could go to walmart and buy that movie dragon heart haha on blueray and then just keep it till i get home. haha and then i need some shoe shine. and i think thats it i think haha love ya !!!!!!!!!! i will write everybody today !

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