Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Where am I going?? New address soon........

Elder Houston's email:
April 2, 2012

hey family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hows it going!!! ???,

so im sure you know by the way i said transfers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. but yes i am leaving! :( after 7 and an half months in the chesterfield ward i am getting the boot ha.
im trying to get pictures fast before i leave. i procrastinated too long on those and have like hardly any... sorry mom. i dont know my address yet but i will write it too ya today when i find out so i can get all my med stuff transferred with me, as well dang insulin! ha it follows me everywhere!.
oh and so this is probably the worse part of the whole getting transferred thing. so i have still not had a baptism yet or at least be there for the people i helped get baptized, and as soon as i am getting transferred we have TWO baptisms coming up!!!! and im leaving !! this happened last time hahah man! haha an suggestions as to what Heavenly Father is trying to teach me ?? haha just kidding!!!!
its ok i love sarah and courtnie and im soooo excited they have chosen to be baptized. i KNOW it will be such a blessing in there lives and only the beginning of there wonderful journey that awaits them ahead. because we know that this is not the end of it. like it says in 2nephi 31:15-21, that baptism is only the key into the "gate". and now that they are on the "path" that leads them to our Father in Heaven they must press forward and not stray away. and keep moving on with a "perfect brightness of hope" and "endure to the end". and we know that" this is the way ;and there is none other way nor name given under the heaven whereby man[ and woman] can be saved in the kingdom of God. :) i love how great and simple our Fathers plan is. it defiantly is not always easy but its is simple and plain and precious.

oh by the way conference was so awesome!!!!!! i loved saturdays, pres Eyrings and the quote he said at the end about the lady that had cancer and was going through all that stuff. he said that she did not have all those trials because of some thing she had done wrong, but simply because God just wanted to polish her a little more. ha i love that.
and also elder Scotts talk, and how he said humility is fertile soil for revelation! oh cool, and pres Uchtdorfs talks. man they were awesome!!!! in priesthood conference and the why of the priesthood. i hope dad and hunter saw that. hahah and his talk about the bumber sticker that said," dont judge me because i sin differently then you" haha that was great!!!!
ah i love conference so much!!!! i feel like Lehi after he ate of the fruit that was so desirable. i just want to throw the fruit at everyone and tell them to EAT IT!!!! haha.
oh ya and elder Rasbands !!! oh man that is so crazy!!! man if i could make the choice again to go to cali or stay and meet him, i would have stayed!! his talk was so awesome i felt like he was talking to me and how the trials of disease and problems we face with our mortal bodies. ah great stuff!!!! im bummed its over. when it comes out in ensign see if you can get me a copy!!

after listening to all of those servants of the Lord speak and hear their testimonies it has strengthened my testimony sooo much i know with out a shadow of a doubt, that they have been called of God and that this IS His true and only Gospel and way to happiness in this life and the life to come. and knowing that is like a domino effect of everything else that i know, the book of mormon is true and that joseph smith did all the things he said he did and that through the temple and the sealing ordinances thereof, we are going to be together with the ones we love forever :)!! . How great is my joy.
well i got to go love you all sooooooo much !!!!

Elder Houston

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